15 years ago we were still 3 years old

Mr. & Mrs. SHALT-OUT 

Act 1

Place: They meet in the park. Where magic and stories are awaiting for a reason to pop up and take over the space of fear and anxiety caused by the harsh insane world. 

Time: night, where secrets live young forever. 

Conflict: madness over chances and guaranteed happiness. 

Peak of the clash: when they finally find out how amazing life can be/get and this makes them overthink about the consequences of their own decisions. The ultimate "what if" 

- What if this amazing time is not meant to last for good? 

- What if we are just feeling that lust? That long for a touch by a stranger? 

- What if we are still battling the past? 
- What if the past is our own master? 
- What if we remain together and then regret it? 
- What if we never existed? 
- What if this feeling of excitement and butterflies is just another long road to heart breaking?

Resolution: The sun comes up and let them disappear to two different roads as strangers would do. Inspired by the moment she builds a figure of wood sticks and he writes a letter to his future self still asking for redemption. 

P.S to reader: Never let your story end by others. And when you find a fairy keep her she is a good luck. And she is often very creative, cute, crazy and beautiful...she is a fairy she has to be beautiful! 


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