The story of the black cat.

I don't hate cats.
I am overwhelmed with them in my life. Throughout the years I always encountered a cat/cats. Whether at friends houses or a family member or in my own. But I never felt cats are real companions, they act more like guests in the beginning and after sometime their owner becomes the guest in their tretoiry. Aren't they cute? I wonder. 

This remind me of a story, the story of the black cat.

Once upon a time...I had to remind myself that almost every story has to start with the same phrase and that once in a certain time each story takes a place...

Once upon a time,

There was an abandoned black cat who roamed the streets of a small town. He had been alone for so long that he had forgotten what it was like to have a friend.

One day, while wandering the streets, the cat came across a man who was sitting on the sidewalk. The man had a sad look in his eyes and seemed to be in a state of despair. The cat approached him cautiously, and the man told him his story.

The man had sold his heart for $200, and now he was all alone in the world. He had no one to turn to, and he felt like he had nothing left to live for. The cat listened to the man's story with sympathy, and he knew that he had to do something to help.

The cat decided to stay with the man and be his friend. He stayed by his side day and night, offering comfort and companionship. The man was grateful for the cat's friendship, and soon they became inseparable.

The cat and the man were together for many years, and they shared many happy memories. Eventually, the man passed away, but the cat never forgot him. He still remembers the man who sold his heart for $200, and the friendship they shared.


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